Quatro desafios que se harmonizaram perfeitamente no projeto de hoje. Vejamos:
A regra aqui é usar moldura ( frame ).
Usar a palavra special e escolher um desses ítens: algo novo/algo velho/algo emprestado/algo azul...eu tenho algo velho ( o porta-retrato e o chipboard de gaiola ) e algo novo ( o chipboard de coração e os adesivos de corujinhas ).
Roxo e pêssego são as cores obrigatórias e escolher entre alguns ítens - eu estou usando o cordão.
Regras: usar a palavra mãe ( usei em inglês : MOM ) e chipboards.
Este é o projeto...altered frame...scrapdecor... Usei um porta-retrato antigo - com a foto de meus pais num dia muito especial - que montei sobre uma tela painel ( canvas ).

Bem, então é isso...espero que você goste também do projeto e, de alguma forma, se inspire para novos trabalhos.
Um grande abraço e volte sempre!
15 comentários:
Such a beautiful way to showcase that amazing photo. Stunning. Thanks for playing along with us at More Than Words.
BEAUTIFUL project...
Thanks for joining in over @ More Than Words!!! 💕
That photo touches my heart. Gorgeous work. Thank you for joining us at More Than Words this month.
So very pretty! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!
Oh this is wonderful! And what a fantastic photo with such wonderful memories. Thanks so much for joining us at More Than Words.
GREAT work !!! Thank you so much for joining us at More than Words !!
So pretty xxx Thank you for playing with us at morethanwords challenge.
What a lovely project! I am sorry that you have lost your parents. I to lost mine and pray they are happy together in fact I know they are! Thanks for playing along with us at MTW! :)
Muito agradável e gentil! Obrigado de ЯрСК!
Как трогательно! Спасибо, что добавили свою работу в галерею Ярославского скрап-клуба
It is so wonderful and sincere work. I feel that this work is filled with tenderness and love! Thank you that you create together with the Izbushka Baba-Yaga.
It is so wonderful, sincere work. I feel that this work is filled
tenderness and love! Thank you that you create together with the Izbushka of Baba-Yaga.
Очень понравилась рамочка!!! Великолепное сочетание цвета, деталей и, конечно, самое трогательное фото...
Спасибо большое за участие в задании от Избушки Бабы Яги!
Какая милая фотография! Настоящая любовь! Рамка очень-очень красивая! Спасибо,что творили для Избушки Бабы-Яги
Прелестная рамочка! Спасибо за романтику от Избушки!!)
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